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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
9/28/2024 9:13 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

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I wanted to let you know that Norman is adjusting to his new home, and we are adjusting to him. He is getting along well with River and our cat. Our cat keeps trying to get his attention, but he totally ignores her. He really likes to follow my husband and the boys around the house. He stays right next to them.

I attached a picture that I took yesterday of Norman, River and Nick (the 16 yr old).

Thank you,



Noella has been renamed - She's Rascal now. Noelle and Noella in the same family seemed a bit much and given her personality, Rascal just seemed to suit her.

I adore her and my older dog, Bosco, an 11 year old chocolate lab loves her too. She's fit into our family perfectly from the start.

All the best,


Newton boy
Newton boy

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that Newton is doing so well! He loves to play, and play, and play.... He really likes to ride in the car with his nose out of the window, especially when he is going to the dog park! He can totally keep up with me for our daily jog! The loud noises on July 4th put him in my lap for a few minutes, but then he said "Okay, that's enough of that!" Anyway, thanks for helping us find our forever dog!


Maggie is doing great! She's on the couch next to me right now chewing on her octopus. Since she's the first puppy I've raised alone, I hired a trainer who started the first weekend she was here, and have been reading "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete. We struggle over who's pack leader, no biting (in play) and getting her to play nice with my 3-year-old cat. She doesn't hurt him, just scares him with her barking and jumping around. He's been so sweet to her. Really patient and he hasn't used his claws once! Maggie is a sweetheart and incredibly cute. Everyone falls in love with her and a lot of my neighbors know her by name. My pet sitter said she's a smiler and everyone comments on what a happy puppy she is. And, of course, I'm in love with her.

Natty Boh

Former RORR puppies from 2012. Grace is on the left and Natty Boh is second from the right. They are littermates and mom is a golden retriever. Both puppies were foster failures.

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