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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
2/27/2025 10:20 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Tessa’s Tail: Hi! My name is Tessa, and I wanted to share a little bit about my story, so you can all see what great work Reach Out Rescue is doing… I’m only a year old, but I’ve already been in my 4-ever home for a few months now, thanks to Libby and the folks she works with. Honestly, I don’t remember much anymore about the “before” time. I only know that somehow I ended up in the clink, just for wandering around looking for food. They were going to gas me, I think!!! I couldn’t figure out why, though. I realize every dog says this, but I really am a total bundle of irresistible love. Why people weren’t lining up for a few minutes of my heartwarming company I’ll never know… Any-howl, Libby heard about me – my beauty, intelligence and outstanding disposition – and immediately thought of her friend LiLi, who was looking for a companion for her Rottie Jon-Jon. Poor ole’ Jon-Jon had some… er… “personality issues”, and needed a nice, mellow dog to take his lead from. The next thing I knew, I was sprung out of jail, catching a ride with Libby to my future with my new mom. Admittedly, Jon-Jon was initially somewhat traumatized by having a new sister around. (I’ve since learned that nearly everything traumatizes Jon-Jon: what a WUSS!) For the first few hours after I got home, he sat in a corner staring at the wall, casting occasional doleful glances over his shoulder to see if I was still there. Lucky for me, one of the many advantages to being a 7-month-old puppy is a poor grasp of subtle social cues, so his less-than-welcoming attitude went right over my ears, thank goodness. I just kept on a’comin’ til he relented and agreed to play with me! These days my life is pretty sweet. Jon-Jon’s adjusted to me, and we have a great time together. I visit a nearby dog park and play with all kinds of dogs there several times a week. I just LOVE ALL DOGS! The only thing I love MORE than dogs are people. I am famous for curling up on the couch to snuggle whoever happens to be there. My mom says I am the all-time sweetest dog she’s ever known. If I weren’t an all-black German shepherd, I’d be blushing at this next part. My mom wants people out there to know what great dogs rescues can be. She wants me to tell you all that I have given her so much joy just by being me. (I’ve also eaten a LOT of shoes, but that’s another story…) So the next time you think about bringing a puppy home, remember to check with Libby. Seriously, she’ll hook you up! ;-) Respectfully Submitted, Tessa the Dog