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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
2/17/2025 2:51 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

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Update from Rawlie's parents (now Huck). He has adjusted so well in his new family. He learned quickly at his obedience class and is a cuddler and snuggle bug at home. he just wants to go wherever his parents go. This weekend he went to a winery with them, then camping! He loves his bed, as you can see in the photo! His parents thank RORR for sharing him with them!


Update (4/30/15)-

Willow and one of our horses, Quenya, have developed a special bond. Here I was grooming Q and Willow came over and parked herself right there for over an hour. When the horses are in the barn she will go in and they will just look at each other for a few minutes like there is something going back and forth. She goes out in the grass and just sits watching the horses. Thankfully, she stays out of the pasture as we have reinforced that fence line with her. Who knew she would have a 1,000 lb buddy?????

We are so thankful to all of you who made this possible.



Hi All,

I just want to let you know that I got the DNA test results for Willow and I am shocked. Everyone who has met her has said the same thing "no way". The results say she is Dalmatian -German Shepherd on one side and Standard Longhaired Dachshund-Mix (Possible: Borzoi Bloodhound Brittany) on the other. Really???? I'd have made some money for RORR had I taken "bets". Everyone said Lab in her bloodline somewhere…...

Her loyalty/dedication level could be Dal and her refined small boned shape. Her nose freckles could be Brittany. No Shepherd visible except maybe some hair coarseness. Maybe her little bit of length is Dachshund and possibly the one blue eye. She is quiet, loyal and not energetic as those breeds are described. She sheds profusely and that is Dal and Shepherd! Sure doesn't look like the listed breeds:

I have to assume the test is correct but I LOVE THIS GIRL TO PIECES so it doesn't matter… just heading off any health issues which I feel good about now; overall healthy breeds in her DNA.



A letter from Willa, now Willow

I met the little kids in the family for a short time today. It was fun playing in the yard and I was very gentle not to pull the long leash for this little girl holding it. This is the family who the dog I will meet later lives with. She is a yellow lab my age and she will be fun to play with after I am more adjusted to my new home. I am now a family dog and I like it. I even let the little girl put this stuffed horse on my back for a walk. I was not bothered by that at all. My mom is so happy I think I saw a tear in her eye.

Love, Willow


Update (4/30/15)-

I wanted to give you guys another update on Dibs. In the past month he's really blossomed into a happy, social dog. He now walks around with his tail up and wagging when we go for walks. Dibs no longer runs and hides from strangers when I have people over to the house. My brother recently moved into my house and Dibs has really taken to him. Although he's quickly learned to keep his bedroom door closed because Dibs loves to round up stray socks and make a bed out of them. He has even started to hang out on the couch with people. I've started taking Dibs to the dog park as well. The first time was a little awkward since someone brought an intact male in who was bullying Dibs a bit, but I was very proud that Dibs stood his ground and ran the other dog off without getting into a fight. I've attached a couple pictures and tried to send a video of Dibs playing catch but it's too big I'll have to cut it down and send it later. He loves catch and is really good at it. I've been letting him wander around my yard with his leash dragging on the ground. He's still a little skittish outside, but I'm hoping in a month or two to be able to let him in the yard without his leash so he can run and play with my other dog. All in all, everything is going really well.

Update (3/21/15)-

Hey guys, I adopted Dibs back in August and wanted to give you an update because we kind of had a big day. Since Spring has sprung here in Baltimore, today was Dibs' first trip to the dog park. He was a little apprehensive at first and had to stand up to an intact male who was getting in everyone's faces, but after a while he relaxed and actually seemed to have a good time. Dibs had no problem walking around and saying hi to the other dogs and actually almost chased a tennis ball that was thrown near him. I think the biggest milestone was how well he dealt with the other people at the park. While he shied away from being touched, he didn't have any problems with people standing close to him. Since this was the first 60 degree day we've had in a long time the dog park was pretty crowded and he dealt with it very well. He was even pretty easy to corral and get back on leash when it was time to leave, which I was very grateful for because my other dog Violet never wants to leave the park and most of the time I have to literally corner her to get her leash back on. I'm really happy with the progress Dibs has made in the 6 months that I've had him. Dibs has started to venture out of the bedroom and has started to hang out with me and Violet in the living room. I've got the blanket you gave me from his kennel wrapped around a dog bed and he's really taken to it. Although he needs to realize he's twice the size of Violet and shouldn't let her hog his bed, as you can see in some of the pictures below. He's become more food motivated which has made training a lot easier than I thought it would be. Peanut butter and Beggin' Strips are his favorites. He's pretty much got "sit" down and comes about half the time when I call him. I've attached a couple recent photos for you guys to see how he's adjusting.


Just giving a post holidays update. Dibs is becoming quite the affectionate guy. He's taken to nuzzling up under my arm at night while sleeping. We're starting some basic command training and he's picking up on it surprisingly fast. Dibs has already learned to go wait by the front door when it's time for a walk and is getting pretty good at sitting. He also comes when called as long as I have a treat for him lol. All in all I'm very happy with Dibs progress the past 4 months. I can't believe he's the same dog that was a quivering scared ball when I met him. Hope you guys have a happy new year!

Looks like Dibs has gotten over his fear of going upstairs. Woke up to a couple of dogs playing on top of me while I was sleeping. I was very surprised to see him. I thought it would be a couple more days before he ventured upstairs. Violet had been stealing his toys and taking them into the bedroom guess he finally decided to go get them. Now he's figured out my bed is more comfortable than his and he's lounging around in it.


Riley (fka Ozzie) is doing well. He just finished his heartworm treatment so we'll know more after his next visit to the Vet. We've begun his training through the Smart Dog University. He's catching on slowly. We have a problem with knowing when he needs to go out to pee. He doesn't let us know. AND he doesn't seem to want to go down off the deck into the fenced in yard without one of us. Today just so happens to be the anniversary of the death of our sweet Buddy. We are happy to have Riley. He's a REAL REAL SWEET BOY! We LOVE HIM SO MUCH!


Brussels Betty

It was love at first sight for Betty and her new family!

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