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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
9/24/2024 6:48 AM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

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Jasper is enjoying life... and walks in the park!

Johnny Dog

Seaney, formerly Johnny Dog, was adopted by us on October 23, 2010. He has adjusted well and keeps us moving. He loves to run in his backyard and play fetch with his ball - he likes to jump up in the air and catch it. When we first got him he did not know how to catch a ball in his mouth. I had to teach him that - now he is a pro at it. He loves to go to the beach and got to walk on the beach in April which was the first time he experienced walking on sand and chasing the surf. He has had many new experiences and is taking them in stride. He is a great dog and he makes us laugh often!


Lucy has claimed Jax (nka Ricky) to be her own.. and he doesn't mind one bit!!


We wanted to give you a quick update on Jack: He's doing great! He's so sweet and we love him so much! He's fitting in perfectly with our family. He gets along great with our chihuahua, Kiwi, and he's even learned to peacefully co-exist with our cat, Turtle (we were a little concerned at first, but now they're perfectly fine together). He's also been on several long (2-3 hour) car rides to visit family and friends, who all adore him. He's been doing really well on the lead and he's been really good on long car rides. He loves to sit and look out the back window. We take him on long walks (up to 3 miles) at least once a day and we hike several times a week. As far as training, he's learned to sit, lay down, and stay and we're currently teaching him to shake hands and spin. He's a quick learner and we can't wait to teach him more! I've attached several pictures. (...hopefully not too many) Thanks for everything! Erica and Kierran


Hi friends, Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you about my new family -- they are wrapped around my cute furry little paws. Today they finished putting up a dog fence that gives me just under 2 acres of open space to run and play. My kid and my new furry pals are enjoying it alot. Speaking of which I am attaching some photos so you can see them for yourself. My BFF Java and I run and play tag, keep away and have some great wrestling matches, and my kid, Regan, lets me sleep in her bed and plays ball with me everyday. Have a great New Year... Jordy

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